Random thoughts endurance athletes have when training

Inside the head of a distance runner

I have always maintained that endurance athletes (I included myself in that statement even if right now my distances are short in comparison) are a little bit and sometimes a lot crazy. We tend to like doing things on our own, we are comfortable spending lots of time on our own. Sometimes it is to try and muddle through our crazy brains or sometimes it is in the search of solitude. Either way I do believe you have to be a little bit crazy to take on endurance sport.

There are some common threads I hear again and again with endurance athletes but here are some random thoughts I have had over time while I train or take part in an event. Some are funny – some not so much. I am curious to know if you have had any of these or if you have had some that you want to share that are not on this list too.

  1. Oh man why can’t the GPS signal just get a fix straight away.
  2. Crap it’s cold.
  3. Did I charge my headlamp?
  4. When was the last time I charged my headlamp?
  5. Oh, awesome song!
  6. I hope that dog is on lead – Why is that dog not onlead!!!
  7. I wonder if I give this runner a high five how weird that would be.
  8. Where is that screaming kid?
  9. Do I really need the loo?
  10. Is that pizza?
  11. Oh man it smells soooooo good!!
  12. I am sooooo hungry!
  13. How did this song make it on my playlist?
  14. I should have worn less layers.
  15. Ohh rain yay!
  16. Yes Mr policeman it is just me randomly doing my long run at 10pm at night…. Nothing to see here except some crazy chick getting her km’s in.
  17. Oh yeah awesome song!!! Turn up that volume!!!
  18. Walk breaks should be dance breaks!
  19. Food!
  20. Yay 15 min food reminder – yummmmm
  21. Is it Blok or actual food time?? I can’t remember, stupid runners brain.
  22. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know my HR is out of the zone – I’m running up a god dam hill.
  23. Where’s the nearest loo?
  24. Oh man…. Yep pit stop needed aka emergency loo stop – just gotta make it to the loo so I don’t have to break out the emergency tissues!!
  25. (as I walk into McDonalds, Bunnings or any facility with a loo) Yep I know I look super strange I don’t normally just walk around like this I promise, it is either I use the loo here of a soil myself….
  26. What’s with the random stranger horn beeping – get a freakin life!
  27. Should have worn more layers!! It’s soooo freakin cold!
  28. Crap clearly I didn’t charge my headlamp (as it’s flashed and gone into limp home mode….)
  29. Shut up legs – we are not stopping
  30. Come on channel your inner Dory – just keep swimming!
  31. What is that noise? (random pack rattle/sound that just gets super irritating!!)
  32. Crap forgot the chafing spray.
  33. Thank god for the anti-chafe!
  34. As I step into the shower after a run – AAAGGGGGHHHHH crap I forgot about the chafing!!!
  35. Opps didn’t see that crack/bump as I almost fall flat on my face.
  36. Look at the view!
  37. How does the entire freakin route feel uphill?
  38. This song sucks! SKIIIIIPPP!
  39. Thank god for my buff.
  40. I wish my nose would stop dripping.
  41. Am I there yet?
  42. Random pedestrian can you hog the path anymore???
  43. Thank god for coffee…..
  44. Crap it’s hot
  45. Surely we have been doing this for hours… *looks at watch* WHAT only 30 mins!! Stupid inside training
  46. What is that smell – oh bugger it’s me
  47. How is this hill STILL going!!!
  48. Thank god it was just a fart
  49. Is that a snake? Nope just a stick
  50. Trail game – snake or lizard – Lizard woop woop
  51. Humidity you can totally F@#$ off
  52. Mid session icy pole woo hoo! WINNING!
  53. Oh that pain isn’t good
  54. Uggh why am I so bloated?
  55. Cramp – OOOWWWCH
  56. Thank god that’s over
  57. Did I really see that? Or did I imagine it?
  58. What the hell is that?
  59. Hell yeah made it home before dark!
  60. Can I really do this?

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