A lot of you will know that I am currently in build phase for my first marathon in a little over two weeks, yep the shit is getting real people. Because of this my training is starting to really be awesome and tough all in one. I have started keeping stock of all my random thoughts while I run and that I have to do with my running. I wonder how many of these you will have thought as well at some point during your training!
To give you some context on some of the points below I run at strange hours. It is not uncommon for me to go for a run at 9pm at night or in the middle of the day. To give you further insight I normally run in my trail vest – I feel seriously naked without it, and when I run at dark I always run with my Proviz and a headlamp. My neighbours are used to it, but strangers not so much….
So here goes….
42 Random thoughts I have had during the build phase for my Marathon.
- Oh man why can’t the GPS signal just get a fix straight away.
- Crap it’s cold.
- Did I charge my headlamp?
- When was the last time I charged my headlamp?
- Oh, awesome song!
- I hope that dog is on lead – Why is that dog not onlead!!!
- I wonder if I give this runner a high five how weird that would be.
- Where is that screaming kid?
- Do I really need the loo?
- Is that pizza?
- Oh man it smells soooooo good!!
- I am sooooo hungry!
- How did this song make it on my playlist?
- I should have worn less layers.
- Ohh rain yay!
- Yes Mr policeman it is just me randomly doing my long run at 10pm at night…. Nothing to see here except some crazy chick getting her km’s in.
- Oh yeah awesome song!!! Turn up that volume!!!
- Walk breaks should be dance breaks!
- Food!
- Yay 15 min food reminder – yummmmm
- Is it Blok or actual food time?? I can’t remember, stupid runners brain.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know my HR is out of the zone – I’m running up a god dam hill.
- Where’s the nearest loo?
- Oh man…. Yep pit stop needed aka emergency loo stop – just gotta make it to the loo so I don’t have to break out the emergency tissues!!
- (as I walk into McDonalds, Bunnings or any facility with a loo) Yep I know I look super strange I don’t normally just walk around like this I promise, it is either I use the loo here of a soil myself….
- What’s with the random stranger horn beeping – get a freakin life!
- Crap clearly I didn’t charge my headlamp (as it’s flashed and gone into limp home mode….)
- Shut up legs – we are not stopping
- Come on channel your inner Dory – just keep swimming!
- What is that noise? (random pack rattle/sound that just gets super irritating!!)
- Crap forgot the chafing spray.
- Thank god for the anti-chafe!
- As I step into the shower after a run – AAAGGGGGHHHHH crap I forgot about the chafing!!!
- Opps didn’t see that crack/bump as I almost fall flat on my face.
- Look at the view!
- How does the entire freakin route feel uphill?
- This song sucks! SKIIIIIPPP!
- Thank god for my buff.
- I wish my nose would stop dripping.
- Am I there yet?
- Random pedestrian can you hog the path anymore???
- Thank god for coffee…..